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About the Foundation

Chesley and District Memorial Hospital

Originally opened in 1944 in the Elliot House, which had been purchased by the Chesley Kinsmen Club for $3,800 and donated to the Town. The Hospital was created to replace the Buckland Private Hospital, which had been forced to close in 1943 due to the wartime shortage of professional and domestic staff. The Town of Chesley appointed a provisional Board and an architect was engaged to design the necessary alterations to the Elliot House.

In June 1944, a public meeting resulted in the establishment of a Board of Governors; a charter was applied for and received in September 1944. The Board, in December 1944, instructed an architect to prepare plans for a 22 bed replacement facility. Construction began in April 1948 and the first annual Board meeting convened in March 1950.

On April 15, 1976, the Hospital was officially closed by order of the government of the day, which had embarked on a program of health care spending reductions. Due to the public outcry, which had continued since the announced closures in November 1975, the government reversed its stand on hospital closures throughout the Province of Ontario.

In 1980, the Board of Governors commenced proceedings to replace the existing facility and after obtaining approval from the Ministry of Health and extensive fundraising, the sod turning ceremony occurred on October 6, 1982 and the existing bed facility was officially opened October 12, 1983.



On March 31, 1994 the Chesley Hospital Foundation (formerly Chesley and District Health Services Foundation was officially incorporated.


Chesley Hospital Foundation Audited Financial Statements

CHF Audited Statements 2022/2023

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